Season’s Greetings from the Tonbridge & Malling Green Party

As the year comes to a close, we want to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

2024 has been a landmark year for the Green Party, and it’s all thanks to you—the voters, supporters, and volunteers who continue to inspire us with your dedication and passion for making our community a better place for all.

To those who voted for the Green Party in this year’s general election: thank you for believing in a greener, fairer future. Your support has sent a clear message that real change is not just possible, but necessary.

To our volunteers: your hard work and commitment have been the backbone of everything we’ve achieved this year. From litter picks and community outreach to standing up for better housing, cleaner rivers, and safer streets, you have made an incredible difference.

Together, we’ve taken significant steps toward tackling the climate crisis, improving social justice, and empowering local communities. While there’s still much to do, we are proud of all we’ve accomplished together this year.

Let’s carry this momentum into 2025 and continue building a future that works for everyone. But for now, take a well-earned break, enjoy the festivities, and celebrate the season with your loved ones.

Thank you for everything you’ve done this year. Here’s to an even brighter and greener 2025.

Warm wishes,
The Tonbridge & Malling Green Party